Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment

Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment
In an urge to have clear and radiant skin , Skin whitening and brightening is the favourite treatment among women .Factors like hormonal fluctuations , free radicals , and sun exposure might damage your skin ,that might lead to patchy pigmentation and dark spots . Moreover , if your lifestyle involves majorly outdoor activities and causes sun exposure , this might gradually causes pigmentation and aging .
Many people opt for skin whitening and Brightening Treatment to get desired skin tone and complexion . You also need to remember that Skin lightening not only helps to bleach your skin but remove unwanted blemishes by ihibitig melanin which provides the skin its natural color .
Get the Best customizable Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment at kotil
Kotil Skincare clinic using the best of advance tools and technology , offer customisable cosmetic Procedure to restore shine and tone . From injections to laser Treatments , various skin whitening and brightening treatments might improve your complexion . These treatments minimize the excess melanin production in the skin and provide you a lighter complexion . With Kotil’s skin Brightening Treatment , you might achieve glowing and lively skin in just a matter of time ! .
The skin specialists as per an individual skin tone or texture , Tailor -Made the Treatment using the right blend of ingredients such as kojic acid , retinol , Alpha hydroxyl acids , Vitamin C that work as the best Skin lightening agents to lighten and even out your skin tone . The best dermatologist of Kotil use the skin whitening Products in clinical procedures or as part of prescribed after care treatment in the form of skin lightening creams , lotions or gels . This is mainly to reduce melasma , freckles , sun damage and other skin problems .

5 Most loved Skin Whitening and brightening treatments at kotil Skincare clinic
It’s a known fact that your appearance boosts your self-confidence . So , try these below listed best skin lightening treatments performed by Kotil skincare Professionals :
Chemical peels – Chemical peels treatment uses acidic chemical agents that eliminates the top skin layers . The treatment eventually peels off the Pigmented parts of the skin .Under it , physicians apply peeling solutions such as alpha hydroxyl acid to the skin that work to exfoliate the pigmented and dark skin .
Laser treatments – It is the most advanced form of skincare technology . The Treatment employs Q-switch ND yag laser to target pigment molecules in the skin and break them down . This is the best procedure to treat Pigmentation , blemishes and tanning . It also effectively reduces age spots / freckles to enhance skin texture or promote an even skin tone . The treatment procedure takes about thirty minutes .
Microdermabrasion –Microdermabrasion is the best skin whitening treatment that will also help to minimize ugly dark spots . The Treatment makes use of abrasive medical equipment that sloughs off dead and damaged skin cells thereby providing the way for fair and radiant skin without any ugly spots . The Procedure makes use of a sand technique to gently slough off the pigmented parts on upper skin layer .
Gluthathione injections –Gluthathione is one of the best medications and works as the best skin brightening injectables . Glutathione inhibits the production of tyrosinase , that is responsible for making melanin in the body . Such skin brightening injections minimize signs of ageing , secures against UV rays , minimize excess pigmentation , Diminishing scars and blemishes while brightening the overall skin color .
IPL Photo facials –Intense Pulsed Light therapy ( also called Photo facial ) effectively improves sun damaged skin , age spots and pigmentation . With the help of intense pulse light technology , a sufficient amount of technology is delivered via the skin surface to boost collagen production , which enhances skin tone , texture , smoothens the skin , minimizes fine lines , wrinkles and other signs of aging .
What are the benefits of Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment at Kotils ?
Undergoing skin whitening and brightening Procedure at kotil offer ample benefits in many ways . Some of the important benefits include :
Minimize fine lines , scars , blemishes and age spots .
Brightens the skin and makes it evenly toned .
Treatments are minimally invasive ,requiring zero downtime .
Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment with kotil skin science
Kotil skin science is one of the leading skincare clinics , comprising the best of experienced dermatlogists and medical aestheticians . In short , the clinic employs a team of experienced , responsible and dedicated dermatlogists who offer accurate consultation , correct diagnosis and treatment to provide the best and 100 percent accurate results .
Even though , the treatments might cause side effects like brusing , skin dryness , sunlight sensitivity , tightening , swelling , variation in skin texture , pigmentation and irritation . The side effects are temporary and might be corrected using post -treatment oilments and other home based skin remedies . To know more about , Skin whitening and Brightening Treatment costs and benefits . Connect with the clinic through its official website page
Happy Customer
Which is the best process for Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment ?
Laser Treatment is the best process for skin whitening . A good skin whitening treatment helps to improve your beauty using the advanced In -office laser technology .
Which is the fastest way to brighten skin without chemicals ?
Lemon juice ,yogurt and honey , turmeric , potato , Cucumber and aloe vera , honey are some of the best natural ways of brightening skin .
Is vitamin C effective to lighten skin ?
Find amazing results with Vitamin C as the later is an excellent ingredient that works to lighten and brighten skin and it is best in reducing dark circles as well .
Which vitamin helps to reduce melanin ?
Vitamin C as one of the most effective Vitamin C lightener has been described as the best melanin inhibitor agent .
Which is the best treatment for Skin Whitening and Brightening Treatment?
Laser surgery as well as chemical peels treatment are the most recommended permanent solutions for skin whitening and Brightening .
Kotil Skincare Clinic with state-of-the-art skin care techniques satisfies the user's search. Kotil represents a paradigm shift in people's growing consciousness about beauty and health.
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Skin Tightening
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Laser Treatment
Chemical Peel
Email: Care@kotilskinscience.com
Phone: +91 9871054183
Our Location: Kotil Skin Science, Plot No. 8, Ground Floor, Shankar Vihar, Preet Vihar Delhi - 110092