+91 9871054183 care@kotilskinscience.com

Open Pores

Factual Highlights

1)Open pores are enlarged skin pores carrying sweat and oil/ sebum from deeper skin layers onto the surface. 

2) Open pores often occur due to skin-related issues from adolescence and UV exposure. 

3) Pores tend to get enlarged due to inflammatory acne . 

4) Open pores form a part of common skin development and might affect people of all ages. 

5) Open pores vary in size and are not visible during the early stages. 

Summing up the Meaning of open pores

Excess of sebum Production, hereditary and genetics, ageing, UV exposure, hormonal fluctuations along nutritional malnutrition are the leading causes of pores development. The skin’s surface is built with small pores, known as pores that let sweat and oil pass through and leave the body. Pores might stretch and appear larger than usual when they are clogged through oil, dead skin cells, or other debris. 

Pores are quite a frustrating problem to deal with and thus, require the best Treatments. But fortunately Good skin clinics flooding the market. You can explore the best open pores treatment available at some of the leading skincare clinics. Kotil Clinic is the best example of an ultra-modern Clinic that offers specialized open  pores Treatment, in the most cost -effective way.

For the Best Treatment of open pores, the Kotil Clinic offers the Following Medical Treatments 

  1. Invest in chemical peels – It is one of the proven and easiest open pores treatment investments. The Treatment contains ingredients like AHAs and BHAs that will work to peel off dead skin cells. It is effective in minimizing the occurrence of open pores thereby controlling pore size and excess of sebum production. Even though a chemical peel won’t be able to alter the Size of the pores, it might make the pores appear much smaller in size. 
  2. Laser resurfacing -laser resurfacing leads to the enhanced production of collagen or elastin in the skin. So, if aging is the leading cause of your open pores, laser resurfacing is the most effective method. The laser treatment is best for improving skin texture, aids in improving skin texture thereby helping to enhance skin firmness and revitalize the skin’s top layers as well. 

Things to keep in mind or to know if you are at risk? 

Even though, not a medical problem, that does not cause pigmentation,  open pores might be a cosmetic problem for some people who dislike the way your skin looks. If along with open pores on the skin, you feel skin infections or acne, you should consult the kotil dermatologists on an immediate basis. Owing to timely intervention, Clinic dermatologists can Treat the problem effectively for better skin texture.

Do You Have Any Questions?



Happy Customer



Which is the best treatment for open pores?

Chemical peels containing various blends of useful acids constitute the best Treatment for open pores.


Which is a good vitamin for open pores?

Vitamin C helps minimize large pores and provides nourishment to the skin. It is also best for firming the skin and minimizing the appearance of fine lines.


How do I permanently close open pores naturally?

Gram flour, oats, sunscreen, and ice cubes, are some of the natural treatment remedies for open pores.


Is Niacinamide effective for treating open pores?

Niacinamide also called vitamin B3 works to visibly reduce enlarged pores, minimize dullness, and strengthen a weakened surface.


Can open pores be treated on a permanent basis?

Open pores cannot be Treated on a permanent basis as they are important to maintain healthy skin and produce natural oils.

Kotil Skincare Clinic with state-of-the-art skin care techniques satisfies the user’s search. Kotil represents a paradigm shift in people’s growing consciousness about beauty and health.


Email: Care@kotilskinscience.com

Phone: +91 9871054183

Our Location: Kotil Skin Science, Plot No. 8, Ground Floor, Shankar Vihar,Preet Vihar Delhi - 110092