+91 9871054183 care@kotilskinscience.com

Molf Removal

Molf Removal

Moles are recognized as clusters of pigmented cells that might appear as small , dark spots on the skin and Might greatly vary in size and colour. The Moles might be visible on the Face, arms, legs, Torso, or anywhere on the Body. Although most skin moles are harmless, the medical practitioner of your chosen clinic might recommend Mole Removal Treatment, if it looks suspicious. 

Moles are referred to as Brown or Black skin growths due to the clustering of skin pigment cells known as melanocytes. Kotil Skin Care clinic uses a variety of different techniques, to safely and effectively remove moles from any location. In a Mole Removal Procedure, the dermatologist of Kotil shaves or cuts a mole to eliminate it from your skin. 

Why the need for Mole removal?

Mole Removal Treatment is completely different from Mole Biopsy and is formulated to fully remove moles from the skin in a way that reduces scarring and sets up a smooth discreet finish. Mole Removal Typically Treats Moles anywhere on your body . The Medical practioners of Kotil Clinic recommend the Removal of the Mole so that they can run a biopsy Test to see if the growth is cancerous or harmful. 

If a Kotil Dermatologist is able to Remove the Mole and achieve a good Margin (The area around the mole ), Mole Removal might work as the best curative Treatment for skin cancer that has not spread. The practitioners might also remove a mole if you are not happy with its location or appearance.

Mole Removal Treatments at Kotil 

As per an estimate, abnormal skin moles might also turn into melanoma -which is the most aggressive and deadly form of skin cancer. Mole Removal is a crucial process mostly undertaken by patients,  whose Moles have developed into Melanoma. Some people might also want to eliminate the Moles to avoid unwanted appearance due to the presence of moles. For patients with signs of cancerous Moles, Surgery is the Best Method of Removal. 

You can Remove the moles surgically via three methods such as : 

Shave Excision for Moles visible on the surface of the skin. 

The Punch biopsy technique is performed using a special device to punch out a cylinder-shaped piece of skin. 

Skin Moles that are flat or malignant are usually removed with excisional surgery where the mole is cut entirely and practitioners suture the wound minus stitches. 

Other Mole Removal processes at kotil 

  1. Laser Mole Removal – The Process is best to remove flat , brown and Black moles . One needs to undergo successive laser treatment sessions for the removal of these moles . But the process is not appropriate for large moles that protrude over the skin . 
  2. Natural Mole Removal – Methods like Bloodroot that is a naturally occurring woodland herb might be used as best alternative medicine for removing Mole naturally . 


Benefits of Mole Removal Procedures 

  1. Effective to remove Deep Mole also and leads to better wound healing . 
  2. Require Zero downtime 
  3. No specific wound care 
  4. Chances of scar remaining after laser Mole removal is very less . 

Risks and complications of Mole Removal Treatment 

Even though , Mole removal treatments are safe , there are certain ,mild side effects and complications that might vary from person to person : 

  1. Allergic reactions due to anaesthesia . 
  2. Infections at the site 
  3. Damage in the nerves 

Why Get Your Moles Removed at Kotil skincare clinic ? 

The kotil clinic works with leading Experts in the field of dermatology to make sure that you have the best experience and Treatment . The skincare specialists with deep knowledge in medical aesthetics and using the best of advanced medical equipment provide the best personalized  Treatment . The Clients tend to have a detailed consultation  with the Best Dermatologist about the pros and cons of every treatment option for your mole . 

Do You Have Any Questions?



Happy Customer



Which is the Best Treatment for Mole Removal ?

Excision is a very common method for mole removal . Under it , as per the type of mole , the surgeons will make a margin of healthy skin to make sure that all the atypical cells are removed .


Is it safe to eliminate moles by dermatologist ?

With the help of different varieties of techniques , Dermatlogists can safely and effectively remove moles from any location .


Can moles be removed naturally ?

Iodine , Honey with Flaxseed oil , Banana peels , Constitute natural remedies that work to remove moles naturally .


Which is the better method to remove moles by laser or surgery ?

Laser Mole removal is the better mole removal method that leaves patients with less risk of scarring .


Which is the best Treatment after Mole Removal ?

Try to keep the wound moist after mole removal is important and might help it heal up to 50 percent .

Kotil Skincare Clinic with state-of-the-art skin care techniques satisfies the user’s search. Kotil represents a paradigm shift in people’s growing consciousness about beauty and health.


Email: Care@kotilskinscience.com

Phone: +91 9871054183

Our Location: Kotil Skin Science, Plot No. 8, Ground Floor, Shankar Vihar,Preet Vihar Delhi - 110092